
Just Jazz

This festival with external artists and association bands is organized annually by Groover, so that Delft and the surrounding area can enjoy the summer party with fantastic music.


Every fifth year, Groover celebrates its existence with an Lustrum committee. They organize an anniversary week full of activities, a gala and a cool interpretation of our Dies.


Learn to play music? The Fabrication is the committee that makes Muppet Music and Jam Factory possible. Here you can develop your musical skills and meet others to make jazz music


We are the committee of the fusion band Magatama. We arrange contact with our customers behind the scenes and mainly discuss the internal affairs of the band.


We are the ComCie, we give gigs (jazz performances) to combos (jazz bands). External parties who, for example, are looking for live jazz music for a drink or wedding, come to us. We introduce them to Groover and his different combos. We also provide our own gigs, such as the monthly Clock Sessions.


Half lustruuuuum! Groover turns 17.5 this year already. Enough reasons to organize even more activities. The CoheCie is the gathering of various year layers to organize a gala, jazz cantus and other activities!


The ConnexCie is the committee that is responsible for Groover's image to the outside world. The ConnexCie keeps Groover contacts warm and involved in our great association. In this way, ConnexCie ensures collaborations with companies. The perfect mix of business and conviviality, and all this with a bitterballen in hand


Groover goes on holiday every year with all its members and this committee arranges the weekend accommodation and all activities.


The activities committee works every week to organize the drinks according to theme. They are also the driving force behind the Jazz Clubs, the association dinner and the introductory period!


The Foxie is the driving force behind the VeCo Vocalzz, responsible for performances, promotion, repertoire and more. We are in close contact with conductor Nadia and are the sounding board for all the great ideas from our fellow choir members.


Lectures, master classes and workshops are the specialty of this committee, which makes it possible for Groovers and external parties to expand their (jazz) knowledge.


The OweeCie provides the first introduction of prospective members to our association: the OWee! A full week of activities and live music is planned to best convey the wonderful groover atmosphere to new students. So you learn a lot about organizing and working under pressure!


The five-year history of Groover is collected in a book every Lustrum, so that all members can look back on their time at Groover and the fun evenings and events.


The WebCie is responsible for the Groover website. In our committee we are mainly concerned with programming, but some people are also involved with design. We do many work sessions together, where we eat together and solve errors.


This committee is for and by first-year students and makes it possible to participate in fun activities with other first-year students after the introductory period.


BBB the board of the Groover Big Band. This committee takes care of the gigs and rehearsals and keeps the big band running. You will learn what it is like to maintain a bond and of course hold meetings!

Bar Royalty

Always ready with her dutiful Barbazzen to provide Groover with various refreshments. Together with the jam, the driving force behind fun on the drinks floor.


Creativity and design are central in Groover's IlluCie. We produce illustrations, posters and merchandise for various Groover committees. Members have the opportunity to develop their graphic skills and contribute to Groover's visual appearance.


The PA crew does the lighting and sound for almost all Groover activities, except the building evenings. We build the stage and set up all the instruments. We ensure that the stage is well lit and the music can be heard clearly through lamps and speakers. We lay all the cables, and the best part, we are behind the buttons!

D.S.J.V. Groover

Brabantse Turfmarkt 9
2611 CK Delft

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